fishtheanchor@gmail.com 907.399.2298
abouT Luke Barton
I have a passion for river fishing that was born in the Wallowa River Valley of Northeast Oregon. I grew up fishing for steelhead, rainbow trout and bull trout within a short--and sometimes long--walk from my front door. After spending summers in Alaska for many years, I decided to settle here by the Anchor River permanently and have since fished many rivers and streams all over the state. But nothing compares to my experiences on the Anchor River. Steelhead, King Salmon, Silver Salmon, and an abundance of Dolly Varden populate the Anchor and provide a fisherman's dream recreational opportunity.
For years I was an Assistant Big Game Hunting and Fishing Guide for various outfitters in the state, and a deckhand on Sport Fishing boats. I have seen clients disappointed by their experiences with other guides or boats. I believe anyone who comes to this great state and this great river, should be treated to the best hospitality, the best information, and the best service any Alaskan can offer. I enjoy nothing more than seeing another person's joy when they catch a chromed-out beast of a steelhead or salmon on the Anchor River. I truly love fishing and sharing this river with others.

what to expect
Clients should expect a little walking to reach a good fishing hole. I offer accommodation for those with mobility limitations. Some river crossings may be necessary, so I recommend chest waders (see the What to Wear section). I may cancel a trip based upon water condition, in which case I will refund all guide fees unless a reschedule is possible. Safety is priority and high muddy water can create unsafe river crossing conditions.
My goal for each client is that by the end of a trip with me they feel so confident in their knowledge of gear, tackle and local fishing technique that they can fish the Anchor River unguided.
A deposit secures your spot. This deposit can be refunded in exigent circumstances or if I have to cancel the trip and we aren't able to reschedule. Clients are required to adhere to all state and federal laws at all times. Please be respectful of the river and others fishing it: if you pack it in, you pack it out.
Retention of fish from the Anchor is dependent upon season, location and regulations. Visit AK Fish & Game for more information.
Clients are required to enjoy themselves and have a good time.
Where to Go
Where we meet and when is dependent upon what we are fishing for and the tide tables. When in doubt, contact Luke at 399.2298 for your specific arrangements.
What to bring
Clients must have a valid Alaska Fishing License. No license. No fishing. Licenses can be purchased at The Warehouse in Anchor Point, or online. You should plan to have this in hand the night before you fish. Stores don't always open before the fishing gets good! If you plan to fish for King Salmon, you must have a King Stamp.
You should provide your own lunch, snack, and water to drink, unless you've made prior arrangements with me.
You can bring your fishing pole and reel, if you prefer, but again, let me know if you need anything.
what to wear
Warm socks, long johns, layers, waterproof jackets, waders and non-felted wading shoes. Sunglasses may be helpful, and a hat is a good idea. On colder mornings you may require gloves as well. On sunny days, don't forget the sunscreen. I prefer young kids have a flotation device and that they stay within reaching distance of their parents or guardians.
“I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray:
When in the Lord’s great landing net
And peacefully asleep
That in His mercy I be judged
Big enough to keep.”

Full Day Guided Bank Fishing
Starting time varies, but a full day is until your arm falls off from casting. Minimum of six hours. Rate is per person, per day. $25 deposit secures your spot.
Half day guided bank fishing
Expect to do enough fishing to make you real hungry. Minimum of three hours. Rate is per person, per day. $25 deposit secures your spot.
Kids rate
Kids under 12, per kid per day. Younger children should wear a flotation device. Kids who catch 3 steelhead or 15 dollies fish for free.
Military discount
Discount applies to active or retired members U.S. Military. Please be prepared to show your I.D.
An additional 3% Kenai Peninsula Borough sales tax is calculated per person per day.
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The Anchor River of Anchor Point, Alaska
The beautiful and idyllic Anchor River is home to world-class bank fishing for salmon, steelhead and dolly varden. The annual opening of the Anchor River for King Salmon Fishing in mid to late May is one of Alaska's best-loved celebrations. The State Park from which most people fish is right in the middle of the small town of Anchor Point, Alaska, which bills itself as the most-westerly highway point in North America. Anchor Point and the mouth of the Anchor River, is located on the southern end of the Kenai Peninsula. With the famous halibut fishing town of Homer about 20 minutes to the southeast and the historical fishing village of Ninilchik about 20 minutes to the north, Anchor Point is central to many great recreational opportunities and still relatively undiscovered by all but the local fishermen.
Anchor River Fish Species
Renowned for it's King (Chinook) Salmon Run, the Anchor River is also home to Silver (Coho) and Humpy (Pink) Salmon, Dolly Varden and Steelhead.
King Salmon fishing is strictly regulated on the Anchor River. The 2016 run has been a strong one and many fish caught were of good size for the Anchor (around 20 to 30 lbs). These beautiful fish run the Anchor as early as April and through June, but the open season is limited to just a few days in late May and early June. They are a fun, fighting fish to catch and grill on the barbecue and even more fun when released to spawn future generations of ocean-going salmon. A special stamp is required by Alaska's Department of Fish in Game if you plan to fish for King Salmon. You are also limited in your annual catch. We recommend booking your King Salmon trip well in advance of the season as space is limited. If you miss the Anchor River Season, hatchery salmon are still allowed to be caught on the Ninilchik. If regulations allow, we are happy to take you to this nearby fishing treasure.
The Silver Salmon is a more aggressive salmon species, and though not so large as the King, still a strong good-sized salmon. The Silver Salmon run is at it's best in August, though they are in the area by July. These bright salmon are a bountiful source of river-bank excitement and a milder flavor than the King Salmon. Silver Salmon love to school up and there may not be any more satisfying fishing trip than one that catches one of these schools on an incoming tide. Once you've spent a day fishing the Silvers on the Anchor River you will discover why so many visitors travel to Alaska only to find they never want to leave.
Humpies, also called Pinks, are Alaska's most underrated salmon. These smaller salmon run in huge numbers throughout the state and form the backbone of much of the commercial fishing economy. Pinks are great clean fun to catch and are plentiful in the middle of the summer season in the Anchor River. We recommend that if you plan on smoking or canning a salmon, you use a Pink.
Steelhead are a sea-run trout sought by avid fisherman the world-over. The Anchor Point Steelhead season is a long and healthy run of these great fighting fish. These are strictly catch-and-release, but the highlight of any trip to Alaska. Despite their reputation as allusive fish, fishing the Anchor River for Steelhead is the ultimate fishing experience and not nearly so challenging as rumor has it. August 1 is when the upper portion of the Anchor River opens up to this fishery and great fishing continues through October for our shoulder season travelers.
Dolly Varden trout, related to both the Bull Trout and the Arctic Char, are another sea-run trout that populate the Anchor River in strong numbers. Unlike the Steelhead, however, these trout can be legally retained. There is no bad time to fish for Dollies. They are great fun throughout the season and probably the most commonly caught fish on the river.
Anchor river fishing pictures